Designer duo Hetvi Gindra and Tanisha Chhajer are known for their styling work in Bigg Boss. The duo works together and runs a firm named Stylebytaashvi. They have worked with Paras Chhabra in Bigg Boss 13 and since then there is no looking back. In their career they have worked with celebrities like Neha Kakkar, Shefali Jariwala, Akanksha Puri, Dipika Kakkar, Shoaib Ibrahim, Nikki Tamboli, Shakti Arora and Rohan Mehra. In Bigg Boss 15 the duo have designed for actress Vidhi Pandya. Talking about her journey Hetvi says,”We started our careers as an intern when we were 18. After sometime while studying we started our own firm and the first project we did together was Bigg Boss 13. We styled Paras Chhabra in that season and got great feedback. It's been 2 years we have been working in this industry as Stylebytaashvi.
We have been doing personal styling, Reality Shows, Tv Shows, Ads, etc.”Speaking about Vidhi she says,”Vidhi is a known actor from Udaan. We met before she entered Bigg Boss house. We have liked how she has played and gave her 100% in tasks. She took a stand for whatever was right and raised a voice when something was wrong. So Vidhi Personally doesn't like to get dressed much, she likes simple, subtle and elegant styling. So we kept that in mind and accordingly sent clothes for her. I feel anything she wears she carries it so well that it gets complete by her confidence and doesn't need any accessories.” How important is the styling part in the Bigg Boss house?
“Ofcourse it plays an important role in this reality show as everything here is real. This will show your real personality and how you actually dress up.”
So who is your inspiration in this industry? “Our inspiration is within ourself how we get better each day in our work. But we really admire Tanya Ghavri and Shaleena Nathani.”
from Naya Sabera | नया सबेरा - No.1 Hindi News Portal Of Jaunpur (U.P.)