Actress Sweety Walia, known for her comedy roles in shows like Yeh Hai Mohhabbatien and Bahu Hamari Rajnikant, has turned producer. The actress has become a producer for Shahi Paneer short film. Shahi Paneer short film is the story of an underprivileged boy and his dream. The script of the film is very strong and the director has given his best for the film. There is a lot of excitement among the audience for the film due to the mind-blowing performance of the actors.
Actress Sweety Walia says "Shahi Paneer is one of the most beautiful human relations script I came across. The vision of the director Mr. Surjeet Sharma was beautifully enacted by the cast specially the father-son duo of Satyakam Anand & talented young Kartikey Nayak. As a producer, it will remain one of my favourite works. The support by Mr. Vikaas Gutgutia was quite instrumental in the entire project. Working with FNP Media’s entire team has been a wonderful experience.
Talking about the association with Sweety, producer Vikaas Gutgutia says "FNP Media takes the privileged to launch short film Shahi Paneer, a story of an underprivileged boy and his dreams. Produced by Sweety Walia, the film comes with a story that gives our audiences wings to dream larger than life. I heartily congratulate the cast and crew of the film that they bring out with the best of entertaining content. FNP media is fortunate enough to work with the best of the teams and bring alive true heart touch performance on-screen.”
The short film is streamed on FNP Youtube channel.
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