Bollywood star Rani Mukerji, who will be soon seen reprising the role of Vimmi aka Babli in the completely rebooted family entertainer Bunty Aur Babli 2, is all praises for the gorgeous debutant Sharvari. Sharvari plays the role of the new Babli in the film and Rani calls her ‘a talent to watch out for’ and ‘ refreshingly breathtaking on screen’! Coming from a hugely acclaimed actress like Rani, this solidifies the industry perception that Sharvari is a star in the making!
Rani says, “Sharvari is definitely a talent to watch out for and she looks refreshingly breathtaking on screen. She has really surprised me with her craft and I feel she has a very bright future ahead of her. Sharvari is a very confident performer and has worked really hard for the film. It was evident when she was giving her shots because her skill as an artist shone through.”
She adds, “It is amazing to see talented newcomers come in the industry because they will play a big hand in shaping the industry in the years to come. Bunty Aur Babli 2 is the perfect launchpad for Sharvari. It presents her as the Hindi film heroine on the big screen. Her presence on screen is superb and she dazzles on screen.“
Yash Raj Films’ Bunty Aur Babli 2, which is set to release worldwide on November 19, 2021, is a rib-tickling comedy that will pit two sets of con artists, from different generations, against each other as they show their mastery over disguises to outwit each other. So, Rani will go up against Sharvari in the film and it’s a battle that audiences don’t want to miss.
Rani feels Sharvari will wow audiences with her screen presence and acting charisma when the film releases. She says, “She will take everyone by surprise and hopefully audiences will give her a lot of love and appreciation for her hard work.”
from Naya Sabera | नया सबेरा - No.1 Hindi News Portal Of Jaunpur (U.P.)